Friday, June 1, 2012

The Future of Transportation
Contributed by R. Benjamin Blair

This video by Discovery Tech has reignited my passion for the future and started my brain humming away with both potential applications, and the effects on social engineering.  This little piece of technology is simply the tip of the complete iceberg.  Over the last 15 years we have seen an extremely steep curve in the amount of people that use personal cellphone devices, this combined with the technology of these devices allowing us to have access to GPS and Google's very extensive mapping and logistics technology has opened up a real time mapping system of sorts.

Once we have fully integrated networks that link our phones, vehicles, roads, and traffic codes autonomous vehicles are right around the corner.  Suddenly we are safer, smarter, and we have copious amounts of excessive time previously dedicated to navigating roads, traffic, and avoiding collisions.  This will save close to 42,000 lives per year in America alone.  The Singularity is coming, lets take control of our future and embrace change!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Future of Mankind

The Future of Mankind

For the last 10 years or so, I have developed an obsession.  It consumes my thoughts, dominates my dreams, and monopolizes my intellectual pursuits.  I am obsessed with the future and what it holds for Mankind, the earth, the universe, and of course technology.  When I close my eyes I can see it, and my friends, it is bright.  We can reach heights beyond our current comprehension creating a new world of harmony, beauty, and human enlightenment. 

We have all seen the movies and read the books depicting a future filled with homicidal robots and machines taking over the world.  Our fear of the future has caused us to latch onto the illogical, and look at our past as some type of golden age of moral purity where things were better.   I think it is a major fault of mankind that we fear the future and glorify the "good ol' days."  

Human evolution is due to one amazing quality that we have developed, adaptability.  For the first time in human evolution we can actually see this in how quickly we are capable of adapting.  If you have any doubts of this, hand a 5 year old an iPad and see how quickly they will begin to navigate the new technology.  With little-to-no instruction we accept and adapt to an entire new digital age seamlessly.  Because of the extremely fast pace of technological advancement adaptability will will become more and more evident as time progresses.

From the way I see things, the next stages of human evolution will be controlled by our own efforts and ingenuity rather than changes in natural environments.  When we open ourselves up and embrace the change, we can create a true utopia her on earth.  These changes are not only needed, they are inevitable.  Imagine what we will be able to accomplish;

  1. Social Change and Human Understanding
  2. Human Intelligence via Technological Integration
  3. Communications and Human Acceptance
  4. Medical Advancement and the Extension of Human Life
  5. The integration to Technology into Human Biology
  6. Dramatic Quality of Life Improvement 
  7. Removing Human error from the Leadership of Mankind
  8. The Elimination of Crime and Violence
  9. The Elimination of Judgement based on Mythology and Bigotry
  10. The Elimination of Social Classes
  11. The Pursuit of Culture and Intellect in place of Security and Financial Strength